Human Trafficking Survivor Services
Human trafficking is a legal term describing the exploitation of a person, for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. When the exploitation involves a child, the elements of force, fraud, or coercion do not need to be present.
Even if someone's circumstances do not meet this definition, they might use different words to talk about it: and that's okay. We believe and respect that everyone is the expert on their own lived experiences.
Human trafficking is closely linked to, and often overlaps with, other forms of violence such as domestic abuse and sexual assault. We recognize that many people harmed by human trafficking have faced harms from institutions and systems, too.
Contact us for 24/7 support
Direct services in Chippewa and Eau Claire counties
Our services are available to all survivors, free of judgement, with flexibility to make choices that honor their priorities.
Counseling for Survivors, Families and Friends: Our Human Trafficking Case Manager has been trained in working with survivors of trafficking to help you in your recovery process. We can also answer questions and provide support for family and friends.
Assistance with medical help: If you have been trafficked, you may need medical care for possible injuries, pregnancy, or contracting STIs. A trained Advocate can accompany you during the medical forensic exam, if you choose.
Legal advocacy: Advocates cannot provide legal advice. However, Advocates can accompany you during police reporting and court proceedings, or assist in filing paperwork for restraining orders, divorce, or other civil/family matters. We can also assist you in applying for programs like judicare or other legal assistance as available.
Safety planning: We can work with you to create a personalized safety plan whether you choose to remain in or leave a violent relationship.
Emergency shelter: We do not have a shelter on-site; however, we do partner with local domestic violence shelters as needed. We can provide you with resources for safe, short-term emergency shelter as we work with you to find more permanent housing options available.
Outreach and awareness: Presentations and public education about sexual assault are available free of charge. Please contact our office and ask for the human trafficking case manager if interested.
24-hour crisis hotline: Call 1.800.400.7020 to speak to a trained Advocate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.